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My Baby Can Sit but Not Roll Over

My Baby Stopped Rolling Over, Should I Be Worried About It?

Developmental milestones are there to help us parents know whether or not our child is growing physically and mentally at a normal rate. For as long as these milestones are met by the child at the expected time, he or she is considered normal.

Rolling over is one of the developmental milestones that the baby has to go through. Since many experts say that this is one of the most mysterious milestones in the early stages of human life, a lot of parents get worried when they start to notice that the baby stopped rolling over.

This article is written to help parents know more about this milestone. I want to help you understand why the baby rolls over, and why the baby has stopped doing it. I also want to share information about when the parents should start worrying if the baby does stop to roll over unexpectedly.

When Should My Baby Start To Roll Over?

The baby needs to know how to hold his or her own head up without any help before the baby can start learning how to roll over. This developmental milestone is actually one of the precursors for the baby to be mobile on his or her own later on.

Some babies are able to roll over in as early as three months, but on average, most babies are able to roll over six to seven months after birth. In order to do this, the baby has to have ample strength on his or her neck and arm muscles. Some babies will need more than 7 months to strengthen these muscles.

Babies can surprise their parents by rolling over unexpectedly. This is why at this stage the parents should take measures so that the baby does not fall off the bed, or from any elevated area. If the baby still does not roll over after 7 months, something might be wrong with his or her development.

You can help your baby roll over by giving him or her tummy time as soon as the baby reaches three months of age. Later on, when the baby's body gets stronger, he or she will be able to crawl instead of rolling over.

Why Does The Baby Stop Rolling Over?

It's not just the parents who get excited when the baby starts to roll over; in most cases, the baby also likes it a lot too! As a matter of fact, some babies will use this new ability to go from one place to another especially when he or she wants to play or get some toys.

This is why when the baby suddenly stops to do it; a lot of parents get worried. The problem is some parents will be able to notice that the baby has stopped rolling over simply because his or her body seems to have completely forgotten how to do it on its own.

If your baby suddenly stops rolling over, you should try not to worry right away. This is because he or she might just be going through another phase in his or her life. Here are some of the reasons why the baby might have stopped rolling over:

  • The baby simply does not like to do it anymore
  • The baby recently got vaccinated
  • The baby is busy working on other motor skills like crawling, talking or sitting up
  • The baby might have recently increased in weight
  • The baby's brain might be preoccupied with omething else like toys or food

When Should I Worry If The Baby Stopped Rolling Over?

Rolling over is a transitional milestone, and if your baby stops doing it, you should start to ask yourself why he or she does not it anymore. Whenever your baby stops rolling over, and starts losing other milestones, it might be best for you to take your child to his or her pediatrician as soon as possible.

If the baby is no longer rolling over because of other developments or because he or she has been slightly weakened, you can simply go back to giving your baby frequent tummy time so you can get your child back on track. If something is wrong, the baby won't be able to do it again even with your help.

You should also be concerned if the baby stops rolling over and if he or she also experiences the following:

  • If the baby misses or has delays with other milestones
  • If the baby stops babbling
  • If the baby is no longer interested in reaching for toys and other objects
  • If the baby tends to get suffocated during sleep or on the bed because the baby can no longer roll over

If any of these will happen to your child, you should consider seeing his or her pediatrician. The doctor will help you assess your child's growth and development better so you will be able to find out if there is truly something that you need to worry about.


Rolling over is actually a better predictor of walking than sitting up. This is because although sitting up requires more strength, rolling over will require the use of different muscles which is similar to walking. This is why rolling over is considered a very important milestone for the baby.

If the baby suddenly stops doing it, you should first consider if he or she is learning something new. If not, then you can re-introduce tummy time or you can try to make the baby roll over again with the help of toys. If the baby also has problems with other milestones, then you need to get your child to a doctor.

My Baby Can Sit but Not Roll Over
